When you cruise 127, this new landmark on the A Plus Electric building jumps out at you. A Plus Electric does not just put up a sign. It makes looking at it a worthwhile experience.

During the day the burnished metal reflects the sun and catches your eye. At night it’s a different story. You still see the 3-D logo, but the illumination takes it into a new place. Glowing lines of color follow the design. Then the colors change hues. Cascades, move over.
A Plus Electric’s Carl Evanson has been working on getting the perfect look that matches the building and projects the impressive image of the business’ character.
Travis Lampman, an A Plus Electric tech, explains the colors can be changed via an iPhone app. “What you’re seeing now are a whole range of colors that merge one to the next. We’re not done yet. We intend to build on what we started.”
A Plus Electric is a strong member of the communities it serves. The company’s history is a good indicator of how it got to be where it is today. Click here to check out the 13th anniversary story from spring 2019.