The short, but violent, storm that slammed the area on Friday offers a good reminder. Hit with extreme weather, trees or their branches can damage your house, garage, and electrical service. To the shock of homeowners, it can happen at any time, even on a calm day. Trees work on their own schedule.

On Friday, high gusty winds took down several trees. In the immediate Clark Lake area, that meant two neighborhoods lost power for an extended period. Check out these photos.
A Plus Electric’s Carl Evanson advises “trim your trees.” Check out this video.
Consumers Energy is responsible for the wiring up to the point it touches your house. If the mast is damaged, you will need an electrician. A Plus Electric is available for emergency service. You can reach A Plus Electric via the Emergency button on the website, using your smart phone. Or call (517) 529-0000.
The Consumers Energy outage center provides maps, number of residences without power and predicted restoration times.